- help@totalptli.com
You can visit Total Physical Therapy & Athletic Training before seeing a doctor or going to a walk-in clinic. Our physical therapists, who are qualified doctors, can evaluate and treat your issues directly without needing a referral. Your visit is covered by health insurance, so you can avoid long wait times and extra steps while receiving expert care.
At Total Physical Therapy & Athletic Training, we believe in providing timely and effective care. By choosing to visit us first, patients can often experience quicker relief from pain and discomfort without the need to wait for referrals or other medical appointments. Our skilled therapists are equipped to assess, diagnose, and treat a wide range of conditions, ensuring that you can start your recovery journey without unnecessary delays.
We offer personalized care tailored to each patient's unique needs. By choosing us as your first point of contact, you benefit from one-on-one attention and customized treatment plans designed specifically for your condition. This personalized approach ensures that you receive the most effective care possible, helping you achieve your health and recovery goals faster and more efficiently, all while avoiding the generalized treatment often found elsewhere.
At Total Physical Therapy & Athletic Training, we understand the importance of cost-effective healthcare. By choosing us as your first point of care, you can often avoid the need for costly diagnostic tests and specialist visits. Our expert therapists can assess, diagnose, and treat your condition directly, streamlining your care and reducing expenses. Starting with physical therapy can save you both time and money while delivering the relief you need.
Don’t hesitate to reach out to us today to learn more about how we can support your needs and help you achieve your goals.
(516) 622-9797
(516) 622-9797
(516) 798-3789
(516) 798-3789
Don’t hesitate to reach out to us today to learn more about how we can support your needs and help you achieve your goals.
(516) 622-9797
(516) 622-9797
(516) 798-3789
(516) 798-3789
Discover what our amazing patients have to say about the exceptional treatments we offer. Their testimonials speak volumes and are a testament to our commitment to their recovery.
Be confident your road to recovery will be consistently managed by caring and qualified practitioners.